Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Many Gifts of Providence

Towards the end of October 2015, my younger sister Tina took ill and was rushed to the hospital. From the moment the news of her illness reached me the time she passed, my C.D.P. family stood by me through it all. I was showered with love, prayers and all the support I needed. Plans were made for me to travel to Nigeria for Tina’s funeral and while in Nigeria, my C.D.P. sisters continued praying and offering mass intentions for me. Since my return, they are still with me through this journey of continuous recovery.

It will be three months this week since Tina passed. How providential that my dear friends, the Poor Clares organized a simple prayer service in honor of late Tina and her deceased son Simon Jude. I am grateful to the Poor Clares for their thoughtfulness, prayer/prayer card, delicious brunch following the Eucharistic celebration, take away bread and wonderful companionship. Their love is God’s way and continues reassurance to me that all is well. All is well because Christ has bequeathed his tidings of joy to us the baptized. It is well because his spirit empowers us to accept his gifts of life with a simultaneous willing disposition to let him have it whenever he chooses to take it back. Yes, I will continue to accept life’s challenges with optimism, openness and courage. But most importantly, I bless God for helping me recognize him at work through the gift of religious life, my C.D.P community, and my amazing friends, the Poor Clares. You are amazing!!!