Friday, October 23, 2015

Happiness Redefined

We all want to be happy, and all our drives and struggles revolves around the desire to be happy. Growing up, some of us probably observed our parents shuttle between jobs day and night to keep things going for the members of the family. In the midst of all that, some of them enroll into full or part time programs to acquire higher certification and advance themselves in the midst of already crazy schedules. This is because most good parents want the best for their family even if it means putting up with enormous daily toil and hard work. Hard work is rewarding, it can creates economic empowerment, which can be a stepping stone for a better future. So when everyone in the family is happy, parents are happy too because they helped to create it for everybody. There is nothing better than that when one rejoices in his or her work says Ecclesiastes. (3:22) Notice I said when parents work hard to help their children succeed, everybody is happy. The same thing applies to parents also. When parents grow too old to care for themselves, their child/children or Stepchildren take over their upkeep. Responsible adults ought to look out for their aging and sick parents. They ought to make sure that their parents are safe, secured and happy. There is always a sense of comfort and happiness associated with knowing that we have done the best for our parents who are no longer able to take care of themselves.

But how we treat those dearest to us is exactly the same way God wants us to treat everybody. We are one huge global family, seeking and desiring similar things, including comfort, stability, security and happiness. As we work hard to secure our individual futures, let us remember to play the role of children and parents to those who need it for we are not all equally gifted and because God intends that all the gifts of the earth, including wealth, talents be recycled. Everything is to be placed at the service everyone. When we truly play our part as co-creators of happiness, unimaginable measure of happiness, pressed down, shaken together and flowing over will our portion in time and eternity. Luke 6:38

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