Friday, December 5, 2014

New Year Resolution and End of Year Ineptness

 I started my 2014 blog by asking what people thought about New Year resolutions. In my case, I had hoped that one of my 2014 New Year resolutions would be to operate an active interesting and interactive blog page. I wanted to share my thoughts and invite responses on topics of interests. The reality? That did not happen. So now that the year is about to end, I am wondering if, like me, others attempted to hold themselves accountable for their inability to meet up with the goals they set for themselves. 

I think people generally have good intentions. Because of the good heart of philanthropists, we have thousands of charitable groups around the world today. Almost all the non-governmental organizations I know are sustained by donations from generous benefactors. The recent donation of $30.000 for the reconstruction of schools in Pakistan by the youngest noble prize winner Malala Yousafzai is a clear example. But like the biblical widow who offered everything she owned, those who give are not necessarily the most financially buoyant. The difference is that “givers” have realized that they are ultimately responsible for the entire human family. So, as faithful stewards of the earth’s resources, generous people enthusiastically continue to play their part in making the world's resources go around fast. This is what God wants everybody to do.    

As Christians, there are many who take seriously our Lord's mandate that we should love others as we love ourselves. Loving others is an act flavored by tact. Like the poor widow, those who put others first have indeed given “all” So as 2014 ends, I am not really keeping track of how many people liked my Facebook posts this past year. Or how many made comments on my blog page (Although it is nice that some people did). But as 2014 draws to a close, I am contented in knowing that I have “given” all through my daily little acts of love throughout the year. This means that I am not really frustrated that I did not keep up with my blog, lose weight, or whatever. Whatever our disappointments in life, let us not forget all the little ways we have loved. And more importantly, let us renew our commitment to and continue to do so. 


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