Sunday, December 28, 2014

It's All About Making Others Feel Special

There is a common saying that "birds of the same feather flock together" It is not uncommon for people to associate with their likes. This is why wealthy people tend to have rich friends and vice versa. There are times when friendships just happen in the course of daily living. For example new neighbors may end up becoming good friends after a while and deep and lasting friendships could happen in work places, social engagements or while taking College courses. Whatever ones's circumstances of making friends, it is sometimes important to stop and think about those we call “friends” how we met them and why we have retained them as our friends.

This Christmas I thought a lot about how Jesus came to befriend us and make us feel important. In other to accomplish this, Jesus stepped down from his throne and lowered himself in both his divinity and social statues to accomplish God's will. How did he step down from his social statues? Well what readily comes to mind now was when he went to dine with Mathew the task collector and was criticized for doing so, and when Mary Magdalene wiped the feet of Jesus with her hair. All those around, perhaps even some of his followers thought that Jesus thought must be crazy for dinning with task collectors and sinners. "If this man were a prophet, he would know who is touching him and what kind of woman she is” some said in disgust. (Luke 7). But Jesus was not worried about been seen as a sinner because he realized that the only way to effectively transmit God’s graces, healing, love, forgiveness and compassion is by associating with those most in need of his healing and forgiveness and so He went to them.  In practice, it means going to the places where the sick, sorrowing, and sinners would be found  which is often outside the circle.  
We are a lucky generation. Advancement in the areas of education, science and technology has made life both easier and at the same time complex for us. Unlike some of older folks, today we can shop, relate or effectively run an online business. Facebook, Twitter and hosts of other social networks help us to connected with friend’s family. This leaves us with little time for ourselves and those we feel obligated to remain connected with.  How can we ever keep up with sending all the cards and goodwill messages to tons of friends and family members we have? What about those that fall though the cracks for whatever reason(s)? do we ever evil obligated to reach out to them? 

A closer look at Jesus shows that he paid more attention to outcasts, sinners and those that are often ignored. He opened the eyes of many blind people, cured lepers and drove demons out of many among other miracles he performed. All of Jesus beneficiaries were those he called: “the least” of his brethren. In this season of Christmas, let us reflect on how we have reached out to the “least” among us. As we begin another year, I pray that God may help us to seek new ways to make others feel loved.

With some of our School Teens singing Christmas Carol 
in a Nursing Home

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It is Well With My Soul

Lately I have been thinking about agape love. The Bible is full of assurances of God's unconditional love for all his of children, Love is the debt, breath and life of the entire Bible and those who posses it, know, love and truly understand God. Love has no time and space, nationality, race, or religion. We must therefore continue to love as Jesus taught, even when it hurts. If we only love those who love us, them we have utterly failed as faithful Christians.

But how can it ever be well with my soul when there is so much evil going on around the world today? All we hear these days is shooting!, terror! war! hunger!, chaos and death. when I realized that the earth is the Lord's and it's fullness. I decided to play my part I ask for the grace to love others; not tomorrow, but today, now. A little love can rid the world of any type of evil. Since love castes away all fears, I rest my case with God that my soul may claim its peace.   

Friday, December 12, 2014

Let Me Says The Lord

Let ME…Says the Lord
I conceived you before the world and all that is it is came being,
I determined your genealogy before and ancestral lineage,
I decided who you and what you are going to become
In time I made come forth

Let me:       
Hold you by the hand and gently lead you where you should go
Show you what I have destined for you before you got here
Help you find the peace that come from knowing and loving me
Ease all your pains and sufferings and restore your true glory

I am the Uncreated Creator
I know and can provide all your needs
I love you and is asking you to let me. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Rediscovering the Gift of Peace

Today is the feast of the Immaculate Conception, one of the church’s most important feasts in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Lately I have been thinking about Peace and what it means at Christmas and in our daily lives. As I listened to the gospel reading this morning and reflect on angel Gabriel’s visit to Mary, I was struck by the final blessing urging us to: “Go in Peace” for the mass was ended.  I quickly realized that our world is most in dare need of true peace much than ever before.
A quick online research shows that the word “peace” or Shalom in Hebrew was mentioned at least 450 times. When at the beginning of his ministry Jesus sent out his disciple, he asked them to be bearers of peace. “When you enter a house, first say, “Peace to this househe advised in Luke’s gospel chapter 1. Again at the end of his ministry (John 14:17) Jesus’ final words were that of Peace: “My peace I give to you!” furthermore, after his resurrection, Jesus's first words when he appeared to his disciples were that of peace. All these and more examples is a reminder that the type of peace that Jesus gives is that which cannot be found anywhere else. Jesus want us to know that without peace, we stand in danger of losing direction and purpose.

True peace is the ability to be tranquil, a tranquility that emanates only from within. This is why in every liturgical celebration, after the Lord offers us the opportunity to make peace with him, the church further invites us to extend that peace others as well as carry it us as we return to our daily lives. We need to be people of peace so that we can truly reflect his kingdom of God. This advent, let us all continue to pray for world Peace, 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

My Birthday

Today is my Birthday Lord 
Of all the gifts I've received 
I hold the gift of your love closest to my heart. 
of all the friends I've known, 
I cherish above all Your Friendship. 
There have been difficult days 
on the Journey called Life, 
even sorrow, 
but You have been there for me. 
There has been joy and laughter 
and I've seen Your presence there. 
You breathed life into my soul 
and You chose me to live! 
I hope You are pleased with me. 
I ask that You forgive me when I fail You. 
Today is my Birthday, Lord, 
,and I offer this day to You. 
I only ask that you walk with me. 
Lead me home O Lord 
Where we will celebrate this Journey 
of friendship and love 
in the everlasting life prepared by You. 
Thank you for the Birthday Lord!

Friday, December 5, 2014

New Year Resolution and End of Year Ineptness

 I started my 2014 blog by asking what people thought about New Year resolutions. In my case, I had hoped that one of my 2014 New Year resolutions would be to operate an active interesting and interactive blog page. I wanted to share my thoughts and invite responses on topics of interests. The reality? That did not happen. So now that the year is about to end, I am wondering if, like me, others attempted to hold themselves accountable for their inability to meet up with the goals they set for themselves. 

I think people generally have good intentions. Because of the good heart of philanthropists, we have thousands of charitable groups around the world today. Almost all the non-governmental organizations I know are sustained by donations from generous benefactors. The recent donation of $30.000 for the reconstruction of schools in Pakistan by the youngest noble prize winner Malala Yousafzai is a clear example. But like the biblical widow who offered everything she owned, those who give are not necessarily the most financially buoyant. The difference is that “givers” have realized that they are ultimately responsible for the entire human family. So, as faithful stewards of the earth’s resources, generous people enthusiastically continue to play their part in making the world's resources go around fast. This is what God wants everybody to do.    

As Christians, there are many who take seriously our Lord's mandate that we should love others as we love ourselves. Loving others is an act flavored by tact. Like the poor widow, those who put others first have indeed given “all” So as 2014 ends, I am not really keeping track of how many people liked my Facebook posts this past year. Or how many made comments on my blog page (Although it is nice that some people did). But as 2014 draws to a close, I am contented in knowing that I have “given” all through my daily little acts of love throughout the year. This means that I am not really frustrated that I did not keep up with my blog, lose weight, or whatever. Whatever our disappointments in life, let us not forget all the little ways we have loved. And more importantly, let us renew our commitment to and continue to do so. 


We All Can Do Something

There are times when I wish the world is free of all types of worries. That people are free from worrying about how to meet deadlines, pay their bills or complete chores. Other times my worries are more global, when my mind will not stop pondering on why little children have to die of cancer or other deadly diseases. Why people die from hunger in a world so rich. What about the fact that seniors are abused/neglected by their own children, relations, friends? Why is there so much violence, wars, riots, diseases and hardships all around our world today? I could go on and on, I don't think it will do any good to continue to ask these questions because they will continue to be part of our earthly existence, and cannot be attributed to one cause. However, it is not an attribute of a true christian to be indifferent to the pains and sufferings of our world 

Personally I think that since we are part and parcel of a global society, we should ask these questions. Yes we are definitely directly or indirectly affected by all the things happening around our world today and we should be involved in the efforts to create a just and better society, especially for future generations. Some people effectively use their public speaking skills to bring about positive changes. Others are better at organizing marches or campaigning for the election of those who have the gifts of leadership. Still others are great writers who inspire great changes by what the share or produce in movies. In some cases, generous people give their wealth for all kinds of charitable causes. Finally, there are those who have nothing but prayers and how much better our world has become as a result of their prayers. So let us always ask: What can I do to relieve the pain and suffering in world today. Yes everybody can DO SOMETHING! and nothing is insignificant.