Thursday, October 27, 2016

A letter to my Sister in Heaven

I cannot believe that it has been a year since I spoke with you on the phone and you told me that you are not feeling well. Yes, it sure has been a year since the last time your adorable kids would rush to the dining table at the beckon of your coaxing voice and the aroma of your well prepared delicious meals. It’s been twelve months today since your doting husband last heard you affectionately hail him “NZE 1.” What about mama? Do you know that she once told me that she misses your sweet musical laughter and your favorite pastime of simultaneously changing the ringing tone cell and hers? I bet you also miss doing that. As for us, my Dear, the last time we were together we all recalled with love how you made each of us call you “Ash Born.” Such memories bring us much joy and happiness and is always fresh on our minds. How could we forget the love that emanated from you to everyone you encountered?  Since your journey last year, even the Abakaliki branch of the Honorable lady knights of St. John still remember and talk about the energy your brought to the group especially when you led them group in group parades. No I did not forget your job at the local government. Some of your former colleagues still talk about how much joy you brought and how your absence has left them dumbfounded.

On the other hand, my unwavering faith in God makes me believe that it’s been an entire year since you made yourself at home with God, the Cherubim and Seraphim. Knowing you, I imagine that you have also made friends, lots of them among the angles and heavenly beings. I hope you have learned a lot and is still learning everything you can in your new home. You were a good observer; I trust that you are learning as much as can so that your transition will continue to be easy and smooth. You must have also observed that heaven is orderly that the way things are over there. That being so, is it right to assume that you are no longer as carefree as you use to be? Yes, you may have a new heavenly community, but remember not everyone is a stranger to you right? Have you seen dad? Yes, I know you and him never met before he started on his journey, but remember that you are now is a place where there are no shrouds, a place of eternal reunion. You also have Bonny your adorable son and other friends and relations.
Thank you for remaining in touch, and for reminding us that a family once formed, cannot be   unbroken by tears, pain, suffering or death. But most importantly, thank you Eyi for reminding us to celebrate your many gifts, your new life. You will always be dear and we will always love and miss you.
Audieu most Beloved Ash Born.
May you gentle Soul continue to rest in Perfect Peace.